

What is Form 15CA & CB? 

Form 15CA and 15CB are required under the Income Tax Act, 1961 in India for remittances to non-residents (foreign payments). These forms are part of compliance to ensure that payments made outside India are reported and taxed appropriately.


Form 15CA - Declaration by Remitter



It is a declaration of the remitter (person making payment) stating that the payment being made to a non-resident is in compliance with Section 195 of the Income Tax Act.



This form details the nature of payment, amount, and applicable taxes deducted (if any) before making a remittance.


Who Files It?


The person or entity making the payment (remitter) submits this form online on the Income Tax portal.


Form 15CB - Certification by a Chartered Accountant



It is a Tax Determination Certificate issued by a Chartered Accountant (CA) to ensure that the provisions of the Income Tax Act, Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA), and Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) have been properly followed before remitting money abroad.


It certifies the nature of payment, taxability, and rate of tax as per the DTAA and Income Tax Act.


Who Files It?

The person or entity making the payment (remitter) submits this form online on the Income Tax portal.


Steps to Get Form 15CA /CB 

Step -1

Set up a Free Meeting with Experts to understand requirements. Click here to Setup a meeting -Setup Meeting With Expert 

Step -2 

Arrange the documents required to find out Tax Liability & Generate Form 15CA/CB

Step -3

Get quotations and make a Payment of 50% Advance fee to start the work 

Step -4 

Get Forms 15CA /CB in 2-3 working days 


Provide these Forms to the Bank to execute and complete the remittance.


Project Comeplted Pay balance 50% Fee. 


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*(Exclusive of Government fees & taxes)